Top 10 FAQ

  • How do I save my progress?
  • What are coins and how do I get more?
  • Can I win real money?
  • I was disconnected during a game. Did I lose my game?
  • How do I get free Coins in-game?
  • How can I check my user ID?
  • What are the diamonds for?
  • I've submited an inquiry, but how do I get a reply?
  • NOTICE: MAINTENANCE is FINISHED (Game is available now!)


  • How do I save my progress?
  • Game won't load on mobile
  • NOTICE: MAINTENANCE is FINISHED (Game is available now!)


  • What are coins and how do I get more?
  • Can I win real money?
  • What are the diamonds for?


  • How do I play?
  • I was disconnected during a game. Did I lose my game?
  • How do I turn off sound?
  • How do I get free Coins in-game?
  • How do I level up?
  • How can I check my user ID?




  • I've submited an inquiry, but how do I get a reply?